And I decided the only way to jumpstart myself back into blogging was to do so kickly, kickly.
So, this is not a real post. It's a quick one to say, hello, world. I am still here! And I've had blog posts in my head for the last month, but no free time to get to it. Well, that's really not true. I could have found five minutes here or there, but I never took it.
But I'm getting myself into some healthy habits (not New Years resolutions, because I've already been starting them), and I think semi-regular blogging needs to be one of them, because it helps me process.
Here are a few of the healthy habits I'm working on:
1. Praying for my husband and our marriage (and other things) in my prayer journal daily.
2. Working out at the gym two times a week and getting on our home treadmill at least once more.
3. 5 minute maintenance at home each night to keep things in order.
4. Time and task prioritizing so I have more free time, or, at least, more meaningful time.
So that's it for my kickly, kickly post.
More to come soon.
Well, hello! You've been on my heart. I've been reading past posts of mine trying to link to my New Year post (so I can find things easier) and I ran across a few of your comments. Then I came here and realized it had been quite a while since you posted. Glad to hear you're doing well. Hope to hear more from you soon. Happy New Year!