Summer is winding down (I'll be back in the school building by choice this week and by requirement next week), Husband and I just bought a new laptop, and I've decided to blog because I like it, not to be known or get followers, so..... I'm back.
I don't promise regular blogging - you know me - depends on whether or not my schedule gets insane insane or just mostly insane, but I'm excited to blog again, anyway.
I'll show you a few of the things I've been up to this summer: I don't have the whole summer depicted here, but here are a few photos of July. (Remember how I thought my camera had been stolen in like February? Well, it turns out it was just in my car.... I found it mid-July when I finally cleaned the car out thoroughly.)
I helped my grandpa move from one retirement home to another - I was taking pictures of how he had things set up in the first place, and he got in the picture. So cute!
Husband and I at the Rodeo. We love it!
Sister and her good friend Anna at the Rodeo. Anna said she felt like she was back in Texas. :)
I took Grandpa for a stroll around Bear Lake in Estes Park while the rest of the family went on a hike. He was moving pretty well!
Husband and I by the river on our way to the restaurant in Estes Park.
My dad is so awesome - he always takes care of Grandpa.
Grandpa's 96th birthday dinner: The men: Grandpa, Husband, and Dad.
Mom and her dad for Grandpa's 96th birthday.
Sister and I at Grandpa's birthday dinner.
More to come as I get the rest of the pictures from Husband and Sister's cameras, too.